Medication Information
Stay Informed About Your Health
Are you confused about what your medication does, or are you concerned about your combination of medications? Do you want to better understand your medications so you can make informed decisions about your overall health? Let our pharmacists, the medication experts, help by doing a medication review. If you are a BC resident with a valid BC Services Card and have been prescribed at least five medications in the past 6 months, then you may qualify for a medication review.
How It Works
What is a Medication Review?
A medication review is defined as:
“A patient-care service that seeks to enhance a patient’s understanding of, and improve the health outcomes of, their medication regimen.”
-Medical Beneficiary and Pharmaceutical Services Division | Ministry of Health
This service is provided through a one-on-one consultation with one of our pharmacists in a private area of the pharmacy. Our pharmacist will identify all the medications you are taking, including prescription and non-prescription medications. They will then discuss with you how the medications are best taken and if appropriate, create a medication management plan to address any drug-related issues that may arise during the consultation. At the end of the medication review process, our pharmacist will provide you with a Best Possible Medication History form, which lists all your medications. You can use this form as a reminder tool to remember to take your medications or you can share it with your family doctor or any other health professionals who may need this information.

Additional Information
Consent Requirement
A medication review cannot be performed unless consent is given. If you would like to have a medication review done for a family member, such as your parent(s), you must provide the pharmacist with documentation of your right to act as the patient’s legal representative.